Bromhexine Hydrochloride

  • n.盐酸溴己新
Bromhexine HydrochlorideBromhexine Hydrochloride
  1. Determination the content of Bromhexine Hydrochloride Injection by HPLC


  2. Studies on Formulation and Pharmacokinetics in Man of Bromhexine Hydrochloride Capsules


  3. Objective To investigate the effect of Ceftazidime combined with Bromhexine Hydrochloride in injection on children 's pneumonia .


  4. The general pharmacologic and toxicologic studies of bromhexine hydrochloride and amoxicillin capsule


  5. Application of second derivative spectrometry to the determination of bromhexine hydrochloride and spectrophotometry to the determination of dyphylline in compound preparation


  6. Conclusion The effect of Ceftazidime combined with Bromhexine Hydrochloride in injection on children 's pneumonia is positive that can control the clinical symptoms effectively , shorten the course of disease , which would be worth for clinical applying .


  7. The structure , property , indication , side-effect and clinical evaluation of several bromine-contained medical products are introduced , i.e. bromhexine hydrochloride , ambroxol hydrochloride , benzbromarone and scopolamine butylbromide .


  8. [ Results ] The results showed that the cute rates were 71.67 % for Compound Cefaclor group and 76.67 % for Cefaclor and Bromhexine Hydrochloride group , the efficacy rates were 93.33 % and 93.33 % , respectively .


  9. Based on the near infrared fiber diffuse reflectance spectroscopy , the analytical methods of the fast and simultaneous determinations for clorprenaline hydrochloride , bromhexine hydrochloride and decloxizine hydrochloride contained in the compound clorprenaline have been established by the partial least squares method .
